puppi17: whitney style magic
puppi17: crystal barbie - taiwan version
puppi17: christie and the beat in box
puppi17: crystal barbie in Rockettes Barbie fashion
puppi17: magic moves barbie in wedding fashion "Romantic wedding"
puppi17: california dream barbie
puppi17: western fun barbie - per LoZio
puppi17: skipper so active fashion 01
puppi17: skipper so active fashion 02
puppi17: skipper so active fashion 03
puppi17: dance magic barbie in dance magic fashion (ballgown&ballet)
puppi17: dance magic barbie
puppi17: that's why I love the '80s: ALL THAT PINK!!!
puppi17: barbie dance magic and skipper in 80s fashions
puppi17: twirly curls barbie
puppi17: golden dream barbies in 80s fashions
puppi17: oh Midge! you're the one to love!
puppi17: diva (midge) in festival fashion #1056
puppi17: 80s fashions
puppi17: dance magic barbie in superstar fashion
puppi17: beauty secrets barbie
puppi17: hawaiian fun bar + hula, island fun & hawaiian fun barbie
puppi17: costume ball barbie
puppi17: jewel Secrets Whitney...unmasked!!!!
puppi17: angel face barbie in box
puppi17: pink & pretty Barbies
puppi17: barbie sweet roses - home pretty
puppi17: perfume pretty Whitney
puppi17: my first ballerina barbie 1988
puppi17: barbie fashion jeans boxed