Myanoli: The perfect mirror
Myanoli: Dead wood
Myanoli: A Graffiti‘s World
Myanoli: DOW Chemical / Lippendorf Germany
Myanoli: Look what 2018 brings
Myanoli: Clouds
Myanoli: Light at the stairs
Myanoli: Lonely Street in the morning
Myanoli: Morning light over Dresden
Myanoli: Hardly surviving
Myanoli: Sunset at Gamrig
Myanoli: Early night at Gamrig
Myanoli: Dresden - The Bundeswehr Museum of Military History
Myanoli: Morning Sun
Myanoli: Misty morning in the Sandstones
Myanoli: Night on Lake Zwenkau
Myanoli: Streaming
Myanoli: Green pond at sunset
Myanoli: man in the city
Myanoli: Altweibersommer
Myanoli: Leipzig Bundesverwaltungsgericht
Myanoli: Shifted
Myanoli: Cliff coast of Lake Zwenkau
Myanoli: Drama
Myanoli: Clover / Klee
Myanoli: Digging for gold? Or another pan.
Myanoli: Dancing House Prague
Myanoli: There is water - Es gibt Wasser
Myanoli: Windows 9.0
Myanoli: Wake up and fly away!