myahya: Prague Florenc
myahya: Church of St. Ludmila
myahya: The Vinohrady Theatre(Vinohradské divadlo)
myahya: Obama & Medvedev were getting to leave Prague.
myahya: Wenceslas Square
myahya: Wenceslas Square
myahya: Czechoslovakia is granted independence from Austria-Hungary
myahya: Wenceslas Monument and National Museum
myahya: Wenceslas on an upside down horse
myahya: Franciscan garden (Františkánská zahrada)
myahya: Josef Jungmann
myahya: Cinnamon Buns
myahya: Tandem Jumps
myahya: Česká národní banka (Czech National Bank)
myahya: Divadlo Hybernia Theater
myahya: Prague Municipal House (Obecní dům)
myahya: Announcing 11:00 @ Powder Tower
myahya: The Art of Slavonic MATRYOSHKA
myahya: Flower Pot
myahya: Roasting!
myahya: View from the Church of Our Lady before Týn
myahya: View from Prague Old Town Hall
myahya: View from Prague Old Town Hall
myahya: View from Prague Old Town Hall
myahya: View from Prague Old Town Hall