Andreas' Photos:
Mani Wall
Andreas' Photos:
Marc & Kim
Andreas' Photos:
Rock formations
Andreas' Photos:
Going downvalley
Andreas' Photos:
Going downvalley
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Marc and bis buddy Kirin
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Marc and Graham in back
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Me resting
Andreas' Photos:
Inside Skiu Gompa
Andreas' Photos:
Buddha Statue inside Skiu Gompa
Andreas' Photos:
Skiu Gompa
Andreas' Photos:
Skiu Gompa
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Marc in Skiu, Markha Valley
Andreas' Photos:
Chortens in Skiu
Andreas' Photos:
Markha Valley
Andreas' Photos:
Markha Valley
Andreas' Photos:
Markha Valley
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Kim, Kirin and Lakhpa
Andreas' Photos:
Chortens in Markha Valley
Andreas' Photos:
Marc on bridge
Andreas' Photos:
Marc done for the day
Andreas' Photos:
Marc reading
Andreas' Photos:
Camp at Chaluk in Markha Valley