Andreas' Photos:
Mt. Bierstadt and Sawtooth early morning
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Mt. Bierstadt from trail
Andreas' Photos:
Me in front of Sawtooth
Andreas' Photos:
Marc on final summit approach of Mt. Bierstadt
Andreas' Photos:
Grays and Torreys from summit of Mt. Bierstadt
Andreas' Photos:
Mt. Evans as seen from summit of Mt. Bierstadt
Andreas' Photos:
View from summit of Mt. Bierstadt towards northeast
Andreas' Photos:
Marc on summit of Mt. Bierstadt
Andreas' Photos:
Signing the visitor "book"
Andreas' Photos:
Marc and I on summit of Mt. Bierstadt
Andreas' Photos:
Marc enjoying an apple on summit of Mt. Bierstadt
Andreas' Photos:
From summit of Mt. Bierstadt looking south
Andreas' Photos:
Going down
Andreas' Photos:
Mt. Bierstadt
Andreas' Photos:
Marc on way down, Grays and Torreys are visible
Andreas' Photos:
Me on way down with Guanella Pass Road visible
Andreas' Photos:
Me in the willows with Mt. Bierstadt in back
Andreas' Photos:
Marc in the willows
Andreas' Photos:
View of M. Bierstadt and Sawtooth from Guanella Pass Parking Lot
Andreas' Photos:
Marc back at Parking Lot