Andreas' Photos: Into Horsehoe Basin
Andreas' Photos: Horseshoe Basin and first view of Grays
Andreas' Photos: Our first view of Grays
Andreas' Photos: Grays Peak from Horseshoe Basin
Andreas' Photos: Grays Peak from Horseshoe Basin
Andreas' Photos: Patrick resting
Andreas' Photos: Grays Lake
Andreas' Photos: Marc resting
Andreas' Photos: Grays Eastslopes
Andreas' Photos: Grays Lake
Andreas' Photos: Grays Eastslopes
Andreas' Photos: Lake below Eastslope of Grays
Andreas' Photos: Climbing the talus slopes
Andreas' Photos: View on way up
Andreas' Photos: Marc on summit of Grays
Andreas' Photos: The three of us on sumit of Grays
Andreas' Photos: View from summit of Grays
Andreas' Photos: Lake Dillon in the background
Andreas' Photos: Torreys Peak from Grays
Andreas' Photos: Me on Torreys
Andreas' Photos: Marc on summit of Torreys
Andreas' Photos: Grays Peak from Summit of Torreys Peak
Andreas' Photos: Me on Torreys Peak
Andreas' Photos: Torreys Peak from shoulder
Andreas' Photos: Patrick on Grays Peak
Andreas' Photos: Summit Grays Peak
Andreas' Photos: Patrick on top of Grays Peak