Andreas' Photos:
Annapurna South
Andreas' Photos:
Jhinu Danda
Andreas' Photos:
Jhinu Danda
Andreas' Photos:
Annapurna South above Jhinu Danda
Andreas' Photos:
David and Suzi at Jhinu Danda
Andreas' Photos:
Jhinu Danda
Andreas' Photos:
Our porters
Andreas' Photos:
Rest at New Bridge
Andreas' Photos:
Woman drying wheat
Andreas' Photos:
Suzi and I
Andreas' Photos:
Porter carrying plywood
Andreas' Photos:
Fields at Beehive
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
David on Bridge
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Rice Fields
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Bridge at Birethanti
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Me at Birethanti
Andreas' Photos:
Lunch at Birethanti
Andreas' Photos:
Group Photo at Birethanti
Andreas' Photos:
Andreas' Photos:
Suzi and David
Andreas' Photos:
Bharat and Anil
Andreas' Photos:
Farewell Party At Maya Restaurant in Pokhara