Andreas' Photos: Gate Of Heavenly Peace
Andreas' Photos: Marc at Gate Of Heavenly Peace
Andreas' Photos: Mao Portrait
Andreas' Photos: Gate Of Heavenly Peace from Inside Forbidden City
Andreas' Photos: Meridian Gate
Andreas' Photos: Me & Meridian Gate
Andreas' Photos: Tower at Meridian Gate
Andreas' Photos: Meridian Gate
Andreas' Photos: Marc in Outer Court
Andreas' Photos: Meridian Gate from Outer Court
Andreas' Photos: Gate in Outer Court
Andreas' Photos: Marc and our guide
Andreas' Photos: Building Decoration
Andreas' Photos: Hall Of Supreme Harmony under renovation for Olympics
Andreas' Photos: View Back To Meridian Gate
Andreas' Photos: Hall Of Middle Harmony
Andreas' Photos: Marc in Front of Hall Of Preserving Harmony
Andreas' Photos: In the Inner Court
Andreas' Photos: Hall Of Preserving Harmony
Andreas' Photos: Decorated Rooftops
Andreas' Photos: Forbidden City
Andreas' Photos: Lion Statue
Andreas' Photos: Hall Of Supreme Harmony
Andreas' Photos: Hall Of Preserving Harmony
Andreas' Photos: Hall Of Preserving Harmony
Andreas' Photos: Inner Court, Hall of Union & Peace
Andreas' Photos: Inner Court
Andreas' Photos: Gate Of Eartly Tranquility (right)
Andreas' Photos: Gate Of Earthly Tranquility
Andreas' Photos: Imperial Garden