Andreas' Photos:
Sunrise Over Dzonghla
Andreas' Photos:
Cholatse above Dzonghla in early morning
Andreas' Photos:
Approach to Cho La
Andreas' Photos:
Going up to Cho La from Dzonghla
Andreas' Photos:
Scrambling to Cho La
Andreas' Photos:
Done! Look back towards Chola Tsho and Ama Dablam
Andreas' Photos:
Begin of glacier towards Cho La
Andreas' Photos:
Looking back southeast, Ama Dablam on right
Andreas' Photos:
Glacier on Cho La
Andreas' Photos:
Glacier Cho La
Andreas' Photos:
Looking back east from Cho La
Andreas' Photos:
Cho La Pass 5,420 m
Andreas' Photos:
My Two Helpers on Cho La
Andreas' Photos:
Going down Cho La towards west
Andreas' Photos:
Looking back up towards Cho La
Andreas' Photos:
Bharat on bottom of Cho La
Andreas' Photos:
Cholo (6089 m, left) and Kanchung (6063 m, right)
Andreas' Photos:
Arakam Tse (6,423 m)
Andreas' Photos:
Cho La Pass Over My Right Shoulder
Andreas' Photos: