aeroman3: "Two Whistles" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: Apsaroke war-chief
aeroman3: "Two Leggings" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "White Man Runs Him" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: Watching for the signal - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Medicine Crow" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: Apuyotoksi - "Yellow Kidney'' (He was also called "Light-colored Kidney" and was Piegan)
aeroman3: "Bear's Belly" - Arikara (Kúnúh-kanánu, "Bear's Belly", is wrapped in a bear skin to be prepared for the ritual dance of the medicine fraternity)
aeroman3: "Chief American Horse" (Nephew of the Sioux chief "American Horse")
aeroman3: "Three Eagles" - Nez Perce
aeroman3: The photo was shot in 1905 and it shows an unknown member of the Jicarilla tribe.
aeroman3: "Red Wing" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Two Whistles" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Wolf" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Upshaw" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: Successful raid for the horses - Apsaroke
aeroman3: Chief and his staff - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Fish Shows" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Swallow Bird" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Shot In The Hand" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Bull Chief" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Wolf Lies Down" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: Spirit of the past - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Bread" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Coups Well-Known" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: "Lone Tree" - Apsaroke
aeroman3: A Jicarilla
aeroman3: Apache maiden
aeroman3: "Das Lan" - Apache
aeroman3: Apache girl