aeroman3: SOC-3 aircraft on the USS California's after catapult, 1938
aeroman3: SOC-3 aircraft on board the USS Tennessee, circa 1938
aeroman3: USS Tennessee in harbor, circa 1938
aeroman3: Ship's company of USS Idaho, circa 1938
aeroman3: USS Indianapolis ties up at Rio de Janeiro, 27 Nov. 1936
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC isrecovered by a cruider, July 1943
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC is hoisted on board the USS Minneapolis, during Wake Island Raid, Oct. 1943
aeroman3: Hoisting in a Curtiss SOC on USS Tuscaloosa, Sept. 1941
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC taxiis up to the USS Philadelphia, Nov. 1942
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC is hoisted on board the USS .....
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC is hoisted on board, during recovery by the USS......
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC is unhooked after recovery by the USS........
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC taxiiis up alongside USS Memphis prior to recovery, circa 1942
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC hooks onto recovery mat, alongside USS Memphis, in early 1942
aeroman3: Placing a Curtiss on the starboard catapult, after recovery by USS Memphis, 1942
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC in the hangar on USS Memphis, circa 1938
aeroman3: South American military officer tours USS San Francisco, 1939
aeroman3: Liberty party prepares to go ashore from USS California, 1940
aeroman3: USS Patoka off the Puget Sound Navy Yard, January 1940
aeroman3: USS Patoka at Balboa, Panama Canal Zone, 22 February 1940
aeroman3: Midshipmen and Sailors from USS New York aboard a motor launch, summer 1940
aeroman3: USS Salt Lake City bombarding, February 1942
aeroman3: USS Indianapolis, view amidships, 19 April 1942
aeroman3: Abandonment of USS Lexington, during Battle of Coral Sea
aeroman3: View looking forward from secondary conn of USS Quincy, May 1942
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC-3A aircraft landing aboard USS Long Island, June 1942
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC's on a light cruiser's catapults, Jan. 1943
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC-3A on board USS Long Island, December 1941
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC-3A on board USS Long Island, December 1941
aeroman3: Curtiss SOC-3A on board USS Long Island, December 1941