my_marquee: SAGA crew hiking below Exit Glacier
my_marquee: SAGA crew hiking below Exit Glacier
my_marquee: Creek on Mount Marathon
my_marquee: Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale)
my_marquee: SAGA crew on Exit Glacier road
my_marquee: SAGA crew on Exit Glacier road
my_marquee: Mutant dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
my_marquee: First lake, above Seward
my_marquee: Second lake, above Seward
my_marquee: Chocolate lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis)
my_marquee: Moss community on outwash plain back channel
my_marquee: Pollen in lake water
my_marquee: Nagoonberry (Rubus arcticus)
my_marquee: Salix spp. possibly spp. sitchensis (Sitka willow??)
my_marquee: Coastal plant community (beach pea, Lathyrus japonicus, etc.)
my_marquee: Alaska railroad car in the Seward icicle fisheries plant
my_marquee: Alaska railroad car in the Seward icicle fisheries plant