my_marquee: Anagallis arvensis (pimpernel)
my_marquee: Castilleja affinis (coast paintbrush)
my_marquee: Castilleja affinis (coast paintbrush)
my_marquee: Castilleja affinis (coast paintbrush)
my_marquee: Frageria sp. (wild strawberry)
my_marquee: Stellaria media (chickweed)
my_marquee: Claytonia perfoliata (miners lettuce)
my_marquee: Possibly Candelaria
my_marquee: Anagallis arvensis (pimpernel)
my_marquee: Tagging (white) on rusting steel
my_marquee: Sachiko
my_marquee: Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco
my_marquee: Golden Gate Bridge and San Francisco