My Good Eye: Screenshot_20220717-062716_Kindle
My Good Eye: Screenshot_20220717-075442_Gallery
My Good Eye: Screenshot_20220717-062345_Google-01
My Good Eye: Dead in the water - on our way to the water - Henry & Robert join Neil and me as we cool the truck's engine and wait for the AAA tow which NEVER CAME!
My Good Eye: Neil is pathalogolically unable to prevent himself from doing the "devil horns thing" every time a picture is taken.
My Good Eye: If there's anything you'd like to know about the 30.4 mile section of I-64 westbound - we spent almost four hours inspecting it and could fill you in.
My Good Eye: where is the tow truck?
My Good Eye: Robert tries his luck calling for a tow truck.
My Good Eye: A highly frustrated Robert sits in the grass as he tries to arrange for a tow truck.
My Good Eye: As afternoon turns to evening...
My Good Eye: At Robert's insistence we've arranged for a private tow and have been told we're on their was and will arrive shortly.
My Good Eye: Following Neil's truck on a roll-top into Covington.
My Good Eye: The tow truck driver stops by our motel so we can off-load our stuff and water-craft.
My Good Eye: Once we get the water craft off he'll take Neil's truck on to a mechanic's shop were it will sit until Monday (it's Friday evening when the picture's taken) before Neil can call and see what can be done.
My Good Eye: Meanwhile the two kayaks and my canoe join Robert's kayak on his "Old Girl"
My Good Eye: walking back from the nearby New Mexican restaurant which to our dismay had no alcohol - and did we ever want alcohol.
My Good Eye: Evening at Joyner's Budget Motel at Westrick in Covington.
My Good Eye: 6 AM as we gather (leaving Robert un-gathered) to walk Iverson to the Double-C Cafe for breakfast.
My Good Eye: In his frustration at not realizing where the three of us had gone, Robert will secure all the water craft before striking out for the Double-C.
My Good Eye: Meanwhile we've walked over confident that he will soon see our text on his phone (which he didn't).
My Good Eye: Rosey-fingered dawn gave way to a mild, cloud covered morning perfect for our hours on the river.
My Good Eye: Just before leaving the motel for the river - Neil still gripped by his inexplicable impulse to ruin every picture.
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My Good Eye: At the Indian Draft boat ramp- our "put-in"
My Good Eye: Almost ready to hit the water - Robert with a cooler of beer strapped to his kayak for the end of the float.
My Good Eye: Neil wondering how to rid his kayak of its earwig infestation.
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My Good Eye: flushing the kayak with river water doesn't entirely do the trick.