My Good Eye: 20200702_081333-01
My Good Eye: Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye: The big house, Mama's house in Princeton
My Good Eye: early Saturday morning - look for the hornet's nest on the nearest window
My Good Eye: A sunny Friday morning in the front hall at Mama's house in Princeton
My Good Eye: The living room
My Good Eye: Linda and Mama sit on the library sofa on a rainy Saturday morning at the big house in Princeton
My Good Eye: my sister Katherine Todd (whom we fondly call Toddy) standing in the library she has spent a long, hard day cleaning.
My Good Eye: Mama doing laps in the hallway as Zimmerman supervises on the day of New Year's Eve
My Good Eye: Friday morning at Mama's house in Princeton
My Good Eye: Every year Daddy would fill this side porch with wood he cut from trees he felled on the property. Now we're just nibbling on some wood we bought a few years back.
My Good Eye: Mary's old bedroom - originally shared with Toddy before she moved into the bedroom over the kitchen.
My Good Eye: Hard to remember it's Spring
My Good Eye: Mama house newly cleaned for her 94th birthday party later in the day
My Good Eye: Mama house newly cleaned for her 94th birthday party later in the day
My Good Eye: the hand-built black walnut mantle piece in Mama's library - fashioned of locally harvested black walnut and milled locally - fashioned by the craftsmen carpenters who built the house in 1955 or so
My Good Eye: morning on the kitchen porch with Mama
My Good Eye: just opened Mama's front door onto a sunny morning
My Good Eye: Zimmerman by his bed upstairs at Mama's house
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My Good Eye: a foggy morning at Mama's house in Peinceton
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My Good Eye: 20210501_130540-01-01-01-01
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My Good Eye: Cataloging, clearing and cleaning
My Good Eye: Mama's kitchen
My Good Eye: 2016-10-22_08-55-45