My Good Eye:
A National Park Service map graphic shows the C&O Canal Towpath from way above Shepherdstown/Ferry Hiil (mile 73) down past Weverton (mile 58) and towards Brunswick -
My Good Eye:
first thing on this bright morning is to take Brittany "the Queen of Thrones" (her trail name) back to Harper's Ferry so she can start back on the Appalachian Trail (she spent the night with us).
My Good Eye:
Nick from Cincinnati- making his second bikepacking adventure down to D.C. from Pittsburgh
My Good Eye:
a picture snapped by Nick from Cincinnati
My Good Eye:
the Queen and I
My Good Eye:
with Queen of Thrones at Weverton where the Appalachian Trail leaves the towpath to go north through Maryland towards Pennsylvania while the towpath continues on to Washington D.C.
My Good Eye:
the new surface of the towpath is very much in evidence across the river from Harper's Ferry
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under the Rt 340 Bridge from Loudoun County across the Potomac to Washington County Maryland
My Good Eye:
under the Rt 340 bridge which crosses from Virginia to Maryland over the Potomac that has just been swollen by the Shenandoah
My Good Eye:
upstream of the re-surfacing activity the Towpath retains it's old charm
My Good Eye:
the very next day Linda joins me to retrace the route to Weverton on the towpath - this moss-covered tree is right at the spot I'd snapped the picture of Nick from Cincinnati the day before
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a three to four foot black snake makes her way across the newly resurfaced towpath
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Linda stops to admire Maryland Heights
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the weed-filled canal right below Shepherdstown
My Good Eye:
at Weverton
My Good Eye:
at Weverton, picture snapped by a fellow named Ken visiting the U.S. from London
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Linda looks downstream on the Potomac below the 340 Bridge across from Loudoun County
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Olive on the banks of the Potomac downstream from the 340 Bridge
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My Good Eye:
Bicycling doesn't come easy for Linda but she's a trooper and she hangs in there and works at it. Here she is trying to stretch out of the pain and discomfort she is feeling after about 20 miles on the towpath.
My Good Eye:
after a humid day soaring into the mid-90s an intense wind-driven rain storm broke out and kept us in the car waiting outside Martin's grocery store for 15 minutes