My Good Eye:
the pool at the Canadian High Commission (Embassy) in Nairobi where we attended a party in honor of International Women's Day
My Good Eye:
Linda digs through her luggage after a shower in our room at the Kolping Guest House in Nairobi
My Good Eye:
the mosquito netting in our room at the Kolping Guest House in Nairobi
My Good Eye:
Bill in the cool of the lobby at the Kolping Guest House
My Good Eye:
walking from Kolping Guest House to the Adams Center
My Good Eye:
a hand-powered, front wheel drive wheelchair at the Adams Center in Nairobi
My Good Eye:
a trendy open-air restaurant complex in Nairobi where we attended the premier show of "Brave Girl Rising" - an empowerment film in honor of International Women's Day
My Good Eye:
pulling on tights is a serious business
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My Good Eye:
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My Good Eye:
Motorcycles carry everything in Kenya
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My Good Eye:
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My Good Eye:
we cross from the Southern Hemisphere into the Northern at Nanyuki
My Good Eye:
Linda negotiated with this vendor of trinkets and curios on the Equator - she would wheel and deal to get the price down and then always pay the originally requested price.
My Good Eye:
Muthee drove us everywhere in his great Toyota SUV
My Good Eye:
Bill photographing the rather unimpressive Mt Kenya - it must have a more dramatic other side
My Good Eye:
goats are considered primarily as meat - even while they're still alive they're treated as meat
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My Good Eye:
also anything can be transported by motorcycle - on a Nairobi freeway I saw an entire upholstered full size sofa atop a speeding motorcycle
My Good Eye:
after nightfall this central courtyard of the Mocharo Lodge in Isiolo would fill with cars and trucks
My Good Eye:
a very friend guy named Eric helps us check in at Mocharo Lodge in Isiolo
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My Good Eye:
the bathroom of our room in our hotel in Isiolo
My Good Eye:
a bedroom at the Mocharo Lodge in Isiolo
My Good Eye:
our bedroom at the Mocharo Lodge in Isiolo, Meru County
My Good Eye:
a colorful bathroom in the Mocharo Lodge hotel in Isiolo
My Good Eye: