My Good Eye:
Mama just after learning I was going to go get take out from her favorite restaurant, a barbecue joint called "A Taste Of Memphis"
My Good Eye:
these daffodils were cut an hour before this picture taken in the downstairs back hall at Mama's house in Princeton
My Good Eye:
Mama's daffodils are beginning to come into their annual riot along the walk down to "the dell"
My Good Eye:
Cutting daffodils from Mama's garden to bring them to her inside where she can enjoy them
My Good Eye:
an emerald carpet composed largely of moss not grass glitters in strong morning sunlight as I walk back with the Bluefield Daily Telegraph before breakfast
My Good Eye:
A double blossomed daffodil
My Good Eye:
She likes her "hospital chair" because it helps her comfortably keep her feet elevated avoiding edema. So I took that chair into the library so we could enjoy a fire and listen to music by Amazon over the Bluetooth all day - which we did - then I cut lots
My Good Eye:
Saturday in the library, surrounded by some of the hundreds of daffodils coming up all along Mama's famous woodland walkways, we sit by the fire awaiting the forecasted snow.
My Good Eye:
Not a couple
My Good Eye:
doing laps of the hall - five laps today plus she walked everywhere she needed to be, no wheelchair, no being pushed
My Good Eye:
Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you? Looking over your shoulder?
My Good Eye:
"Zimmerman The Wonder Dog," who is an inveterate worshiper of light, (maybe he's a Zoroastrian) sits bathed in the stuff as he surveys the bookshelves for "wall-fairies" created by the strong rays of the afternoon sun streaming into and refracting around
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
the strong sun would quickly melt this snow and slightly warm the day (into the low 40s) and within five hours I'd be biking.
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
Early morning after a day with snow.
My Good Eye:
climbing back to strength and mobility, Mama does the stairs urged on by a great Home Health physical therapist - in the hall below her hospital style bed awaits a trip back to the medical supply company
My Good Eye:
In the library
My Good Eye:
Mama house newly cleaned for her 94th birthday party later in the day
My Good Eye:
Great-grandfather, Mimma's father, Preston Hylton