My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
freshman year at Randolph Macon College in Ashland Va.
My Good Eye:
Happy Luchsinger of Watertown Wisconsin
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
in our apartment on Washington Street in Madison Wisconsin
My Good Eye:
in the kitchen of our apartment on North Street in Madison Wisconsin
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
in our Deerfield house
My Good Eye:
at Paul Hunter's house in the Freemont neighborhood of Seattle
My Good Eye:
picture by Glenn Rudolph taken in window booth at the Athenian restaurant overlooking Elliot Bay in Pike Place Market in Seattle
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
summer afternoon in our apartment on Ravenna in the U District of Seattle 1972 or so
My Good Eye:
camoing, cat-herding cowboy - Montana early 1970s
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
while living in Deerfield Wisconsin and building a room onto a tiny house we had bought in town - my Japanese period
My Good Eye:
At Toddy's graduation from Hollins with John Quattrone (whom she married that same day of memory serves)
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
Home from the hospital in Madison Wisconsin following eye surgery
My Good Eye:
standing in the backyard of our apartment on Washington Street in Madison Wisconsin
My Good Eye:
Old Polaroids
My Good Eye:
Old Polaroids
My Good Eye:
Old Polaroids
My Good Eye:
Old Polaroids