My Good Eye: La Habana Vieja y Centro
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My Good Eye: a brightly painted building among a neighborhood of ruins - our neighborhood in Habana Centro
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My Good Eye: The scaffold encrusted Capitol building is visible beyond the National Theatre for Ballet
My Good Eye: The National Ballet Theater stands beside the Hotel Ingleterre across from the Parque Central
My Good Eye: the night scenes were beautiful and dramatic - Havana is like a stage set, off-the-charts exotic but it felt at all times very safe and welcoming
My Good Eye: the stairs to our lofty second story bedroom - fit for a mountain goat
My Good Eye: walking through Habana Centro on our first evening in Cuba
My Good Eye: walking back to Lealtad on our first evening in Havana
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My Good Eye: Camilo Cienfuegos - one of the three most famous heros of the revolution and the least idealogical. A favorite of the people who died early in a mysterious plane crash / disappearance.
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My Good Eye: outside the Grand Theater for Ballet
My Good Eye: the Grand staircase at the National Theatre for Ballet
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My Good Eye: a sleeping cab-driver awaits a fare across from the Capital building - modeled on the U.S. Capital in Washington
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My Good Eye: Linda eaves-drops on a hot band playing in the Bar Monserrate
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