My Good Eye:
Left Charles Town at 6:00 AM for the three and a half hour drive to Emporia.
My Good Eye:
In Uncle Robert's kitchen
My Good Eye:
A toast with Bloody Mary's to Uncle Robert in front of his considerable bar on the morning of his memorial service and burial.
My Good Eye:
Judy, Gaye and Mary
My Good Eye:
Charlie and Mary checking out some old family photographs Vincent has collected.
My Good Eye:
Wedding day 1946, picture taken in Grandmama's yard at 300 Church Street Emporia
My Good Eye:
The original Mattie Todd and George David Grizzard the High Sheriff of Sussex County
My Good Eye:
A sleeping dog
My Good Eye:
Charlie tells a family story
My Good Eye:
Mary & Mama on Goodwin Street
My Good Eye:
The family at the cemetery for Uncle Robert's interment.
My Good Eye:
Henry standing beside Uncle Robert's fresh grave wearing a pair of Uncle Robert's shoes.
My Good Eye:
Jack and Gaye's daughter Maria with me at the reception following Uncle Robert's memorial service at the Methodist Church.
My Good Eye:
Henry takes a phone call as we leave Food Lion on a beer run after the memorial service.
My Good Eye:
Henry and Charlie just back to Uncle Robert's house after his memorial service and reception.
My Good Eye:
Back to Uncle Robert's after walking Gandhi and Zimmerman.
My Good Eye:
My fashionable and stylish sister Mary
My Good Eye:
Mary checks her phone Wednesday morning at Uncle Robert's house before we all go out for breakfast.
My Good Eye:
Mama at Logan's Diner in Emporia for breakfast
My Good Eye:
Our table for breakfast at Logan's
My Good Eye:
Mama with Charlie for breakfast at Logan's Diner in downtown Emporia
My Good Eye:
Coffee and conversation over breakfast at Logan's Diner in downtown Emporia
My Good Eye:
Henry speaking with cousin Charlie in front of Uncle Robert's house on Goodwin Street in Emporia.
My Good Eye:
the Emporia girls - right to left: Judy (cousin Todd's widow), Gaye (cousin Jack's widow), Mimi and Judy's sister Carol. (missing is cousin Rene who returned home Tuesday evening after the memorial and reception)
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
Henry, Charlie and me
My Good Eye:
Charlie, Henry, Vincent and me
My Good Eye:
Charlie, Henry, Vincent & me.
My Good Eye:
A gigantic Confederate flag flys beside Interstate 95 between Emporia and Petersburg.