My Good Eye: An overview of the entire C&O Canal National Park - 186 miles long from Georgetown to Cumberland Md
My Good Eye: Pulling our rig together at our starting point in Williamsport Md
My Good Eye: A flood water measurement gauge on the side of the Cushwa's building in Williamsport
My Good Eye: At Williamsport MD, at the start of our cycle on the C&O Canal Towpath to Hancock MD.
My Good Eye: A National Park Service map sign showing our route in a larger context.
My Good Eye: Leaving Williamsport
My Good Eye: On the trail heading west from Williamsport
My Good Eye: Heading out towards Hancock to the west
My Good Eye: On the C&O Canal Towpath a few miles west of Williamsport MD
My Good Eye: Heading west on our first day by the Little Slackwater
My Good Eye: Linda appreciating the beauty of the cliff along the Maryland side of the Potomac at the Little Slackwater
My Good Eye: Along the C&O Canal Towpath and the Potomac River west of Williamsport Md
My Good Eye: Linda photographing Dam #5
My Good Eye: Dam # 5 above Williamsport on the Potomac
My Good Eye: Linda's picture of me reading a historical marker at Dam #5
My Good Eye: On Blue Hill Road (Rt 522 bridge ramp) in Hancock approaching the America's Best Value Inn
My Good Eye: Approaching our motel at dusk. Would Norman Bates be the desk clerk?
My Good Eye: Just arriving at America's Best Value Inn in Hancock Md
My Good Eye: Our two-person convoy arrives at our Hancock motel just before dark.
My Good Eye: Just arriving at the office of America's Best Value Inn in Hancock Md
My Good Eye: I found the bed comfortable - Linda did not - but the room was clean and warm and the carpet fresh and recent
My Good Eye: Inside Room 106 at America's Best Value Inn in Hancock Md
My Good Eye: In our motel room in Hancock MD - right beside the entrance ramp to to Rt 522 bridge to Morgan Co WV
My Good Eye: At Buddy Lou's restaurant in Hancock - with old shirt sleeves for valences.
My Good Eye: two relaxed creatures
My Good Eye: A VERY friendly cat appeared in the parking lot outside our motel room - he walked inside in front of us and ended up sleeping the night in our bed.
My Good Eye: The motel cat has claimed us and taken up in our room
My Good Eye: "Goldie" one of the outdoor cats at the motel. He slept in our bed last night.
My Good Eye: a very pleasant porch for lounging or eating
My Good Eye: this old house located just off the south bound entrance ramp on the Rt 522 bridge across the Potomac to West Virginia, is occupied by the Estonian owners of America's Best Value Inn - the actual motel rooms are in a low-slung, one story brick semi-circle