My Good Eye: Linda plays with Leah at the Leesburg Library
My Good Eye: At the Leesburg Library
My Good Eye: in the children's section of the Leesburg Library
My Good Eye: children invited onto stage following the Loudoun Ballet performance
My Good Eye: Invited onto stage after the performance
My Good Eye: star-struck Leah
My Good Eye: Brides of Dracula from the Loudoun Ballet
My Good Eye: Leah accuses the dancer who played Dracula of biting one of the girl dancers.
My Good Eye: put a new and bigger tiara on my wish list
My Good Eye: overwhelmed by the glamour of ballet
My Good Eye: Leah exploring the usefulness of chopsticks as drumsticks
My Good Eye: Sarah enjoys a Vietnamese meal at a restaurant at Countryside in Sterling Va.
My Good Eye: Working on his eBay postings
My Good Eye: A sunny Sunday afternoon on the back porch
My Good Eye: crossing onto the 400 block of Mildred Street
My Good Eye: looking wistfully at our old home on Mildred Street
My Good Eye: 414 S Mildred Street - where we lived together as a family
My Good Eye: our old home on Mildred Street
My Good Eye: Walking down Mildred to Hunter Street
My Good Eye: Waking down Samuel Street to visit the Walchs.
My Good Eye: With Jim & Diana in front of their home on Samuel Street.
My Good Eye: with Zimmerman "The Wonder Dog"