My Good Eye:
On the ferry from Seattle to Winslow on Bainbridge Island
My Good Eye:
Pulling in to Winslow
My Good Eye:
Pulling in to Winslow
My Good Eye:
Driving to Hansville on the Kitsap Peninsula
My Good Eye:
Rainy day drive on the Kitsap Peninsula
My Good Eye:
Rainy Friday - looking across the water from Tom's place to Whidby Island
My Good Eye:
At the Buell / Strong vacation home on the Kitsap
My Good Eye:
Mary & Linda
My Good Eye:
Tom plays the organ inside his camper-bus (posterized)
My Good Eye:
Tom's fabulous $25 Kimball organ
My Good Eye:
Happy Birthday Sophie - played on a $25 electric organ inside a camper-van
My Good Eye:
The Friday night crowd at the Left Coast Pig Roast
My Good Eye:
Dinner Friday night in Hansville
My Good Eye:
Marty & Stacey
My Good Eye:
The original Pig Roast crew - shortly after Jack arrives Friday night
My Good Eye:
The original gang
My Good Eye:
The crew
My Good Eye:
Sophie Jack & David
My Good Eye:
Left-to-right: Jack me, Tom, Marty
My Good Eye:
Mary & Stacey
My Good Eye:
Teresa and Anastasia
My Good Eye:
My Good Eye:
Anastasia & Teressa confer with Stacey by the fantastic map of early U.S.
My Good Eye:
David Aylward & Teressa Petrovic
My Good Eye:
Anastasia Petrovic
My Good Eye:
Anastasia Rock & Teressa Petrovic
My Good Eye:
Marty spends all day Saturday cooking the main course of the "Pig Roast" - gumbo
My Good Eye:
The two matter chefs of the "Pig Roast" - no pig was harmed on the filming of these pictures
My Good Eye:
Chef Marty
My Good Eye:
Eve Epstein - chef de cuisine