MariuszPriv: "Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it's breaking. When there are clouds in the sky you'll get by. If you smile through your fear and sorrow Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun come shining through For you. Light up your face with
MariuszPriv: "Uśmiechnij się, choć serce boli Uśmiechnij się, choć serce pęka Kiedy są chmury na niebie, jakoś przebrniesz, Jeśli się uśmiechasz poprzez strach i smutek. Uśmiechnij się i może jutro Zobaczysz słońce zaświeci dla Ciebie. Rozświetlij swoją twarz radości
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MariuszPriv: My Mom's beloved orchids. Poor dear Mom - lying in her bedroom - having no contact with the surrounding world and the reality ...and slowly dying. ...And - at the same time - her favorite flowers - her orchids - began to bloom so abundantly and beautifull
MariuszPriv: Yay! This is quite unusual. The another 6 of my orchids started to bloom. Including these 5, that are blooming from about two weeks - now, I have in my apartment 11 stunningly blooming orchids in: the hallway, the kitchen, all rooms and the bathroom. My o
MariuszPriv: Dzień Matki - Mother's Day - Poland
MariuszPriv: my blooming orchids (3) #closeup #flowers #orchids #blooming #home #siedlce
MariuszPriv: my blooming orchids (2) #closeup #flowers #orchids #blooming #home #siedlce
MariuszPriv: My orchids just began to bloom. #orchids #flowers #blooming #home #siedlce
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MariuszPriv: photo
MariuszPriv: Dzień Matki. <3 #Poland #siedlce #yokoono #mmib #love #mama #mothersday
MariuszPriv: @yokoonoofficial : Today is Mothers Day in Poland. My Mom - Irena Szczepanik. <3 .Tribute our Moms at & tag a tweet #mmib
MariuszPriv: My Mom - Irena Szczepanik. Her last photo... Today is Mother's Day in Poland. I love you, Mom. ❤ I'm afraid that you don't even understand my wishes for you - because Alzheimer's takes you systematically your humanity - every single day... - ...little by
MariuszPriv: photo
MariuszPriv: photo
MariuszPriv: photo