moldie13: san francisco international arport
moldie13: san francisco international airport
moldie13: eight hour layover
moldie13: escalators
moldie13: the hearty vessel
moldie13: not long
moldie13: remote
moldie13: bridge from sydney to sydney
moldie13: the tower
moldie13: paramatta
moldie13: paramatta
moldie13: paramatta
moldie13: new town
moldie13: fisher-men
moldie13: colorful scrawl
moldie13: tracks
moldie13: recessed
moldie13: *BOOM!*
moldie13: stenciled sydney
moldie13: new town
moldie13: waiting for lunch
moldie13: circular quay, train view
moldie13: good place to dine
moldie13: wandering the city by train
moldie13: minor redfern tags
moldie13: boxes
moldie13: blue-tag
moldie13: from the window
moldie13: traveling, thinking