Walter Parenteau: My Nephew "Little Travis"
Walter Parenteau: Little Travis
Walter Parenteau: Michelle and Nellie
Walter Parenteau: My Dad and his Dogs
Walter Parenteau: Michelle and Food
Walter Parenteau: Ryan in a Cemetery
Walter Parenteau: Old Creepy Cemetery Angels
Walter Parenteau: Old Patriotic Hand-Embroidered Nightgown
Walter Parenteau: Ryan in Faneuil Hall
Walter Parenteau: Travis on a Tractor
Walter Parenteau: Michelle
Walter Parenteau: Mom and Sophie
Walter Parenteau: Three of my Nieces
Walter Parenteau: My Eldest Niece
Walter Parenteau: My sister Christi and her Son
Walter Parenteau: Michelle's Still Eating!
Walter Parenteau: Mom and her oh-so-Wacky Cake
Walter Parenteau: "No! Not an evil camera!"
Walter Parenteau: Mom in the New Kitchen Addition
Walter Parenteau: Home-Maker!
Walter Parenteau: The New Kitchen Addition
Walter Parenteau: The Stairs
Walter Parenteau: The Kitchen Closets
Walter Parenteau: The Kitchen Closets