mwlguide: 20160513a Cubs @ Lugnuts
mwlguide: 20160513b Cubs @ Lugnuts
mwlguide: There's a Hawk in the Lights 001
mwlguide: There's a Hawk in the Lights 002
mwlguide: Mikaela's Pit Crew 001
mwlguide: Choreography 001
mwlguide: Choreography 002
mwlguide: Hawk, overhead 001
mwlguide: Hawk, overhead 004
mwlguide: Hawk, overhead 003
mwlguide: Hawk, overhead 002
mwlguide: Television Shooter 001
mwlguide: Television Shooter 002
mwlguide: Young Fans 001
mwlguide: Young Fans 002
mwlguide: Before the Anthem 001
mwlguide: Pregame Conference 001
mwlguide: Pregame Conference 002
mwlguide: Guessin' This One's about the Weather 001
mwlguide: Guessin' This One's about the Weather 002
mwlguide: The Choir Files in 001
mwlguide: Shooters 001
mwlguide: Shooters 002
mwlguide: Rising to Greet the Luggies 001
mwlguide: Anthem 001
mwlguide: Anthem 002
mwlguide: Anthem 003
mwlguide: Anthem 004
mwlguide: Anthem 005
mwlguide: Anthem 006