mwlguide: 20110912a Tincaps @ Lugnuts
mwlguide: 20110912b Tincaps @ Lugnuts
mwlguide: Lineup Exchange
mwlguide: Lineup Exchange_1
mwlguide: Lineup Exchange_2
mwlguide: The Vendor watching the Tincaps pitcher
mwlguide: The Vendor watching the Tincaps pitcher_1
mwlguide: Luggie Bullpen (very fuzzy)
mwlguide: Anthem
mwlguide: Anthem_1
mwlguide: Anthem_2
mwlguide: Anthem_3
mwlguide: Anthem_4
mwlguide: Aaron Sanchez
mwlguide: Aaron Sanchez_1
mwlguide: Aaron Sanchez_2
mwlguide: Aaron Sanchez_3
mwlguide: Aaron Sanchez_4
mwlguide: Zach Cates
mwlguide: Zach Cates_1
mwlguide: Zach Cates_2
mwlguide: Zach Cates_3
mwlguide: Zach Cates_4
mwlguide: Zach Cates_5
mwlguide: Zach Cates_6
mwlguide: Zach Cates_7
mwlguide: Robert Lara
mwlguide: Robert Lara_1
mwlguide: Robert Lara_2
mwlguide: Adam Dominick