mwlguide: 20110725a Snappers @ Lugnuts
mwlguide: 20110725b Snappers @ Lugnuts
mwlguide: Nobody There
mwlguide: Guest in the Luxury Box
mwlguide: Getting the Infield Ready
mwlguide: And Spraypainting the Pitching Rubber
mwlguide: Autograph area with Brighton kids
mwlguide: Autograph area with Brighton kids_1
mwlguide: Out for a little run
mwlguide: The Brighton Kids find another Luggie
mwlguide: Autograph Area without kids
mwlguide: Honorary Bat Kid
mwlguide: Autograph Area
mwlguide: The Brighton Kids
mwlguide: John Deere
mwlguide: John Deere_1
mwlguide: Sean Nolin
mwlguide: Marking the Boxes
mwlguide: Marking the Line
mwlguide: Marking the Line_1
mwlguide: Vince Horsman pitching coach
mwlguide: Carlos Perez
mwlguide: Gary Lucas pitching coach
mwlguide: Battery, stretching, & autograph hounds
mwlguide: Battery, stretching, & autograph hounds_1
mwlguide: Adrian Salcedo
mwlguide: Adrian Salcedo_1
mwlguide: Snappers
mwlguide: Snappers_1
mwlguide: Snappers_2