mishonok: Marrakesh - Marocco, 2003.
mishonok: Opera House - Sydney, 2004.
mishonok: october 2007.
mishonok: october 2007.
mishonok: october 2007.
mishonok: october 2007.
mishonok: december 2007.
mishonok: rust never sleeps
mishonok: the pink hat
mishonok: november 2007.
mishonok: november 2007.
mishonok: broken
mishonok: the passion
mishonok: october 2007.
mishonok: spalsh!
mishonok: come un bel sogno inutile
mishonok: closed inside
mishonok: venezia
mishonok: X Banana Joe
mishonok: 51 giracittà
mishonok: 3557
mishonok: 5481
mishonok: lowkeyIRapple
mishonok: pinOrange, selfmade 6x6 pinhole camera
mishonok: light leaks rule
mishonok: the quintessence of the fog
mishonok: indeed read a lot
mishonok: alluminio