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Huayna Potosi West Face, Bolivia. by Micke W.
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Micke W.
Huayna Potosi West Face, 6088m. Bolivia.
Micke W.
American route on Huayna Potosi West Face, 6088m. Bolivia.
Micke W.
Olof Dallner walking on the pipeline on the approach to Huayna Potosi West Face.
Micke W.
The bivouac under the West Face before the climb.
Micke W.
Huayna Potosi West Face, 6088m. Bolivia.
Micke W.
Huayna Potosi West Face, Bolivia.
Micke W.
Huayna Potosi West Face, 6088m. Bolivia.
Micke W.
Huayna Potosi West Face, 6088m. Bolivia.
Micke W.
Huayna Potosi West Face, 6088m. Bolivia.
Micke W.
Olof reaching the summit ridge on top of the West Face.
Micke W.
Michael in the bivouac in Campo Argentino.
Micke W.
Olof in the bivouac in Campo Argentino.
Micke W.
Michael Wåhlin. Huayna Potosi West Face
Micke W.
Flat tire.
Micke W.
Huayna Potosi West Face seen from the road to lake Titicaca.
Micke W.
Huayna Potosi 6088m.