Mike Wacht Photography: Cosmo (Pete)...the Closeup (made it to Explore #46)
Mike Wacht Photography: Cosmo (Pete) — The Pug
Mike Wacht Photography: Pete the Pug, Swinging
Mike Wacht Photography: A face not even a mother could love
Mike Wacht Photography: Pete v the Swan
Mike Wacht Photography: Pete's all business
Mike Wacht Photography: Pete sleeping
Mike Wacht Photography: Pete, reclining
Mike Wacht Photography: Isn't he the cutest thing? (Made it to Explore – #16!)
Mike Wacht Photography: Wha'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?
Mike Wacht Photography: Swaddling Pete
Mike Wacht Photography: That Faraway Look
Mike Wacht Photography: I've Had ENOUGH
Mike Wacht Photography: Wise Like a Small Furry Buddha
Mike Wacht Photography: Pete -- El Che
Mike Wacht Photography: Pete Sticks His Tongue Out at You
Mike Wacht Photography: Pete says, What?