MVM74: Sucky dog gets scritches from Mika
MVM74: Tired out Teja
MVM74: IMG_1349
MVM74: Hanging out in Paradise Valley
MVM74: IMG_1346
MVM74: IMG_1344
MVM74: Paul giving Teja some snuggles
MVM74: A drink for Teja
MVM74: "What's that your saying?"
MVM74: Soooo cute!
MVM74: Fishing Vest
MVM74: On the rocks
MVM74: Wading across the river
MVM74: IMG_1316
MVM74: IMG_1322
MVM74: IMG_1320
MVM74: IMG_1297
MVM74: IMG_1305
MVM74: IMG_1295
MVM74: IMG_1299
MVM74: IMG_1298
MVM74: IMG_1290
MVM74: IMG_1288
MVM74: Teja and the tube
MVM74: Ready to go
MVM74: Loading up
MVM74: Way too hot out there for me