MVJ Photographie:
Fin de journée sur la plage d'Elgol (Skye) - End of day on the beach (Elgol - Skye)
MVJ Photographie:
Coucher de soleil sur Elgol (Skye) - Sunset on Elgol (Skye)
MVJ Photographie:
Dernières lueurs sur Elgol - Fading lights on Elgol
MVJ Photographie:
Quiétude - Calm
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L'arbre et le mouton - The tree and the sheep
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High on emotion
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Pierres vertes - Green rocks
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Eaux sauvages - Wild waters
MVJ Photographie:
Old Man of Storr
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Stormy weather
MVJ Photographie:
Goodbye to Elgol
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The path
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The river flows
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Loch Coruisk
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Misty mountain
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Stones and water
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Sligachan river
MVJ Photographie:
Above Loch Coruisk
MVJ Photographie:
Balade au fil de l'eau - Wandering along the loch
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Scottish reflections
MVJ Photographie:
Last sunset session in Elgol
MVJ Photographie:
Stormy weather (2)
MVJ Photographie:
Scottish landscape
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The rock and the sea
MVJ Photographie:
Here comes the sun
MVJ Photographie:
Sligachan river