Moe Vivas: 130 years old and still looks great. #brooklyn
Moe Vivas: There are always flowers to those that want to see them - Henri Matisse
Moe Vivas: The old and the new
Moe Vivas: Look up!
Moe Vivas: There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds - Gilbert K. Chesterton
Moe Vivas: Living among the dead
Moe Vivas: The river gates are opened; the palace melts away
Moe Vivas: Yellow
Moe Vivas: Let's swing it!
Moe Vivas: The walk
Moe Vivas: If you built it, they will come
Moe Vivas: Build it tall, build it high
Moe Vivas: WTC Memorial and museum from 49 stories high
Moe Vivas: Yankee Stadium - Panorama
Moe Vivas: Police
Moe Vivas: God in the dock #bw
Moe Vivas: A storm is brewing
Moe Vivas: Gorgeous day in the big city!
Moe Vivas: Let the wind blow between my hairs
Moe Vivas: This city...
Moe Vivas: Beauty in Red
Moe Vivas: Between your towers
Moe Vivas: Alley
Moe Vivas: One and Seven #WTC NYC
Moe Vivas: #NYC
Moe Vivas: Storm cometh!
Moe Vivas: His glory towers over the earth and heaven!
Moe Vivas: “Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.”- St Augustine
Moe Vivas: The road to my abode is not easy, but it's worth it. Come and break bread with your beloved.
Moe Vivas: We live in a world obsessed with cathedrals