Balaji Dutt: Greening the reds
Balaji Dutt: Familiar Beauty
Balaji Dutt: An unexpected feast
Balaji Dutt: Faded
Balaji Dutt: Starburst
Balaji Dutt: A Hungry Bee
Balaji Dutt: Opened Up
Balaji Dutt: Propeller Heads
Balaji Dutt: Bud & Bloom
Balaji Dutt: Encroach
Balaji Dutt: Go(Grow) towards the light - B&W
Balaji Dutt: Go(Grow) towards the light
Balaji Dutt: Recycle
Balaji Dutt: Small Start
Balaji Dutt: A tattered sky
Balaji Dutt: Ant highway
Balaji Dutt: Trailing
Balaji Dutt: Fade to blue
Balaji Dutt: Silohuetted in Blue
Balaji Dutt: Hot Pink!
Balaji Dutt: In motion
Balaji Dutt: Field of Green
Balaji Dutt: Purple and Yellow
Balaji Dutt: Dappled Leaves
Balaji Dutt: Leaves in water spray