Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel's 'Catch of the Day', 1820, Madrid, (Just) After Théodore Géricault (1819)
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel's 'Clusterfeck' after Goya, 1820
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel's 'San Isidro', 1820
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel's Early (1820) Representation of 4 of the Malic Moulds (The Bachelor Apparatus)
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel's 'Majas on a Balcony', 1820, Madrid
Billy Quinn 1954: From Any 'Starting' Point
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel in Madrid in 1820
Billy Quinn 1954: A Finger of Fudge Is All It Takes to Make Your Life Complete
Billy Quinn 1954: Grey Sweats: A Classic
Billy Quinn 1954: A Precocious 2-Year-Old Marcel Visits Vincent in Arles in 1889
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel in Étretat
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel (Food)
Billy Quinn 1954: Double Self-Portrait Painted by Rrose and Marcel During a Visit to Andrei Rublev in 1422
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel in Piero Manzoni's Studio, 1961, Patiently Awaiting the Arrival of the Muse
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel in Lascaux, Pre-history (Date Unknown)
Billy Quinn 1954: The Motherlode
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel Explaining 'The Wizard of Oz' to Rembrandt, 1660
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel Visiting Goya, 1815
Billy Quinn 1954: Marcel Selfie, Madrid 1815 (Visiting Goya)
Billy Quinn 1954: Self-Portrait as Marcel Being Goya, Immediately Following a Roots and Grey Hair Elimination Procedure, and Full-Body Brazilian Wax (Sack and Crack included)