Ms Kat: upside down
Ms Kat: evening light
Ms Kat: bus to Victoria station
Ms Kat: house
Ms Kat: big cube
Ms Kat: a hill
Ms Kat: view...
Ms Kat: tower
Ms Kat: streets and tower
Ms Kat: a bar
Ms Kat: church
Ms Kat: art.. thingy
Ms Kat: tracks
Ms Kat: tree
Ms Kat: Art
Ms Kat: some buildings..
Ms Kat: in the mirror
Ms Kat: a shed
Ms Kat: street number (s)
Ms Kat: St Ignatious..
Ms Kat: A thing..
Ms Kat: A building.
Ms Kat: Building..
Ms Kat: Where Kafka lives..
Ms Kat: at night..
Ms Kat: a house
Ms Kat: Snow..
Ms Kat: still putting away xmas..
Ms Kat: A day in winter..
Ms Kat: winter fun..