Mustafa Kasapoglu: red leaf details
Mustafa Kasapoglu: the red leaves
Mustafa Kasapoglu: coming soon...
Mustafa Kasapoglu: the caravan behind
Mustafa Kasapoglu: Aloe vera flower bud (Aloe petricola)
Mustafa Kasapoglu: raising in the dark
Mustafa Kasapoglu: The center drop
Mustafa Kasapoglu: plum blossoms
Mustafa Kasapoglu: the jungle
Mustafa Kasapoglu: Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) female
Mustafa Kasapoglu: Banded King Shoemaker (Archaeoprepona demophoon)
Mustafa Kasapoglu: Banded King Shoemaker (Archaeoprepona demophoon)
Mustafa Kasapoglu: The love of damselflies
Mustafa Kasapoglu: Pieris brassicae (Cabbage butterly)
Mustafa Kasapoglu: the choice
Mustafa Kasapoglu: "Glaze" on the car glass
Mustafa Kasapoglu: dazzling glamorous
Mustafa Kasapoglu: Just White Paper (Explored 14 Jan 2017)
Mustafa Kasapoglu: Armed & ready
Mustafa Kasapoglu: Cheese Victory (explored 7/Feb/2017)
Mustafa Kasapoglu: For the glory of the nights... (explored on 28 March 2017)