E. Teuling: Early autumn
E. Teuling: Early autumn
E. Teuling: Flower fields in Zeeland
E. Teuling: Dandelion at sundown
E. Teuling: Dandelion at sundown
E. Teuling: Backlight shapes
E. Teuling: Harebell / Grasklokje
E. Teuling: Bell Heather / Rode Dophei
E. Teuling: Bog Asphodel / Beenbreek
E. Teuling: Flowers on the rocks
E. Teuling: Common Foxglove / Vingerhoedskruid
E. Teuling: Flowers on the shore
E. Teuling: Lonesome flower
E. Teuling: Fluff
E. Teuling: lichen landscape
E. Teuling: lichen & moss landscape
E. Teuling: pink 'n curly
E. Teuling: Heide
E. Teuling: grass
E. Teuling: Kardinaalsmuts
E. Teuling: Kardinaalsmuts
E. Teuling: colors
E. Teuling: grass
E. Teuling: embrace.
E. Teuling: orange bokeh
E. Teuling: stuck fluffyness
E. Teuling: grass.