musigny: StandUp against poverty in SecondLife
musigny: StandUp at TechSoup
musigny: StandUp at CampDarfur
musigny: Coming soon on SecondLife: Harvest Festival on Better World Island
musigny: United Nations Use Second Life to Fight Poverty
musigny: Meeting fellow "In Kenzo" in Camp Darfur
musigny: Visiting Techsoup in Second Life
musigny: Hackers Exile: Coworking place in SecondLife
musigny: Hackers Exile: Coworking place in SecondLife
musigny: Hackers Exile: Coworking place in SecondLife
musigny: Wine Geeks for wine2.0 in SecondLife
musigny: Mia Farrow on SecondLife for helping Darfur
musigny: Ubuntu Kiosk: "BetterWorld Investment Portal" on Second Life
musigny: Ubuntu Kiosk: "BetterWorld Investment Portal" on Second Life
musigny: Ubuntu Kiosk: "BetterWorld Investment Portal" on Second Life
musigny: NPSL: Nonprofits in Second Life
musigny: 13 May: Fight Hunger in SL
musigny: Camp Darfur: the place to be for helping Darfur on monday, June 25th
musigny: Camp Darfur: the place to be for helping Darfur on monday, June 25th
musigny: Camp Darfur: the place to be for helping Darfur on monday, June 25th
musigny: Camp Darfur: the place to be for helping Darfur on monday, June 25th
musigny: CampDarfur4.jpg
musigny: Camp Darfur: the place to be for helping Darfur on monday, June 25th
musigny: Camp Darfur: the place to be for helping Darfur on monday, June 25th
musigny: Camp Darfur: the place to be for helping Darfur on monday, June 25th
musigny: Camp Darfur: the place to be for helping Darfur on monday, June 25th
musigny: CampDarfur5.jpg
musigny: Philanthropy event at Mac Arthur foundation
musigny: International meeting at Camp Darfur
musigny: International meeting at Camp Darfur