scott_flute: Francisco serving pastelón in the parking lot
scott_flute: United States Capitol
scott_flute: Francisco taking photos of the Capitol Building
scott_flute: United States Capitol
scott_flute: United States Capitol
scott_flute: United States Capitol
scott_flute: United States Capitol
scott_flute: United States Capitol
scott_flute: Outside the Supreme Court
scott_flute: Supreme Court
scott_flute: Supreme Court
scott_flute: View of the Capitol Building from the Supreme Court
scott_flute: Francisco on the steps of the Supreme Court
scott_flute: Inside the Library of Congress
scott_flute: Library of Congress
scott_flute: Library of Congress
scott_flute: United States Capitol
scott_flute: Francisco lounging on the Mall near the Washington Monument
scott_flute: Washington Monument
scott_flute: Washington Monument
scott_flute: WWII Memorial
scott_flute: Lincoln Memorial
scott_flute: View of the Mall from the Lincoln Memorial
scott_flute: Vietnam Wall
scott_flute: Washington Monument
scott_flute: The Mall
scott_flute: American University
scott_flute: American University
scott_flute: American University
scott_flute: American University