musicdive: 경비원과 멍멍이. guard and dog
musicdive: 커피 피플. coffee people
musicdive: 경비원. guard
musicdive: 개와 커피. dog and coffee tools
musicdive: 별. star
musicdive: 빨래. laundry
musicdive: 빨래. laundry
musicdive: 생두 배달. water delivery
musicdive: 뭐 먹고 싶니? what do you want?
musicdive: 계단. stairs
musicdive: 커피 피플. coffee people
musicdive: 커피 피플. coffee people
musicdive: 소년들. boys
musicdive: 커피 피플. coffee people
musicdive: 커피 피플. coffee people
musicdive: 커피 피플. coffee people
musicdive: 소년의 환영. welcome
musicdive: 아주머니와 커피나무. woman and coffee trees
musicdive: 할머니와 아이들. grandmother and children
musicdive: 누나와 동생. sister and brother
musicdive: 네팔 학생들. nepali students
musicdive: 농부. farmers
musicdive: 커피 피플. coffee people
musicdive: 파탄 밤시장. nepal patan night market
musicdive: 경비원. guard
musicdive: 멋쟁이 아주머니. fashionable madam