januari.elva: Still there
januari.elva: As always
januari.elva: One afternoon
januari.elva: Which one do you want?
januari.elva: Look of entreaty
januari.elva: Each in his own way(思い思いに)
januari.elva: You're slow to realize that.
januari.elva: Go ahead
januari.elva: Folk of this town
januari.elva: Bathing
januari.elva: Bask in the sun #2
januari.elva: Bask in the sun #1
januari.elva: Peer down
januari.elva: Beauty and the Beast
januari.elva: I feel good.(スッキリ)
januari.elva: Let's stay together.
januari.elva: Not in the group
januari.elva: Good company makes the road shorter.(旅は道づれ)
januari.elva: Right-hand helix (右ねじれ)
januari.elva: Bullishness and bear(強気と弱気)
januari.elva: Not enough
januari.elva: Blind side(死角)
januari.elva: Competition for turf (縄張り争い)
januari.elva: In the middle of basking in the sun(甲羅干し真っただ中)
januari.elva: Another Trio
januari.elva: Fellowship
januari.elva: Watching 1
januari.elva: Watching 2
januari.elva: Watching 3