Paul Hueber:
Virginia Opossum carrying babies on her back - Didelphis virginiana
Paul Hueber:
Raccoon - Procyon lotor
Paul Hueber:
Brown Anole showing off - Anolis sagrei
Paul Hueber:
Leaf-footed Bug - guB detoof-faeL - Acanthocephala declivis
Paul Hueber:
Cedar Waxwing - Bombycilla cedrorum
Paul Hueber:
Northern Cardinal male feeding his young (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Paul Hueber:
Wood Duck female and babies hanging out at my pool (Aix sponsa)
Paul Hueber:
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle Warbler) molting into breeding plumage - (Setophaga coronata)
Paul Hueber:
Wolf Spider with babies on her back walking on water
Paul Hueber:
Cedar Waxwing - Bombycilla cedrorum
Paul Hueber:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail dark female (Papilio glaucus)
Paul Hueber:
Wood Duck female and babies in my pool (Aix sponsa)
Paul Hueber:
Eastern Amberwing female - Perithemis tenera
Paul Hueber:
Red-shouldered Hawk in flight (Buteo lineatus)
Paul Hueber:
Tropical Orbweaver (Eriophora ravilla)
Paul Hueber:
Baltimore Oriole (Icterus galbula)
Paul Hueber:
Red-shouldered Hawk - Buteo lineatus
Paul Hueber:
Cassius Blue - Leptotes cassius
Paul Hueber:
Blue Dasher obelisking - Pachydiplax longipennis
Paul Hueber:
Northern Cardinal male feeding his juveniles (Cardinalis cardinalis)
Paul Hueber:
Polydamas Swallowtail butterfly (Battus polydamas)
Paul Hueber:
Prairie Warbler - Setophaga discolor
Paul Hueber:
Spotted Oleander Caterpillar Moth (Empyreuma affinis)
Paul Hueber:
Red-shouldered Hawk pair (Buteo lineatus)
Paul Hueber:
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) backlit
Paul Hueber:
Northern Cardinal mom feeding baby - Cardinalis cardinalis
Paul Hueber:
Broad-tipped Conehead (Neoconocephalus triops) Katydid reflection
Paul Hueber:
Monarch - Danaus plexippus - abstract close-up
Paul Hueber:
Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii)
Paul Hueber:
Cassius Blue butterfly (Leptotes cassius)