joe mondello:
from the balcony
joe mondello:
all Customs
joe mondello:
joe mondello:
more clothespins!
joe mondello:
still more clothespins!!!
joe mondello:
Helter Skelter
joe mondello:
joe mondello:
joe mondello:
Stauffer-Style Headstock
joe mondello:
Raw Materials
joe mondello:
joe mondello:
Desk Set
joe mondello:
off cuts
joe mondello:
Tape and Xacto Knife (lo-tech)
joe mondello:
Before Binding
joe mondello:
Binding From The Top Down
joe mondello:
joe mondello:
checking alignment
joe mondello:
A Master's Hands
joe mondello:
A Master Craftsman
joe mondello:
Master Craftsman TNG
joe mondello:
Something Missing?
joe mondello:
joe mondello:
More Trimming
joe mondello:
Still Trimming
joe mondello:
Select Hardwoods
joe mondello:
A Little Pearl
joe mondello:
Hangin' Around
joe mondello:
Sharp and Soft
joe mondello:
Plotting the Heist