haco-otoko: olympus om2
aelx911: 彼岸花
stanley yuu: 京都。銀杏
JMF_: You may say I'm a dreamer...
sabamiso: Olympus PEN-FT
v u s: ...
thomas@flickr: Frame : 2
thomas@flickr: Frame : 34
Ala’a Esmaiel: ZeissIkon
Eddie Yip: Kings Creek Night
里卡豆: 蓋到11樓可以許願|七星潭
loveontherighteye: one day you told me that we should split up and I’ll never forger that you said you weren’t coming back and that you didn’t feel obliged to make me happy anymore and I’ll never forget how painful it was when you walked away.
soreikea: in the light
sevenhin: 000003670008
chris7549: 新穗高
chris7549: 名古屋
chris7549: 茶壺山
taipeimonochrome: [SIGMA DP2 Merrill] - SDIM1660.jpg
【miao】: 110606 (9)
Greyscale3: Konica C35 EFP - Imation HP 100
Yu-Ting Cheng: 生命的皺褶