SphMtzlr: a mi me gusta verde
SphMtzlr: Des moines
SphMtzlr: California
SphMtzlr: Robin
SphMtzlr: The Punisher
SphMtzlr: Lilac Tree
SphMtzlr: Sink
SphMtzlr: Cloudy Lunch
SphMtzlr: Too Young Hands.
SphMtzlr: Smokes.
SphMtzlr: Don't Spill The Salt...
SphMtzlr: Tired
SphMtzlr: Once Again.
SphMtzlr: Mr.Griffitti
SphMtzlr: Confusion.
SphMtzlr: Little Old Window.
SphMtzlr: Fountain.
SphMtzlr: Guitar
SphMtzlr: The Bar Left It's Mark.
SphMtzlr: plane.
SphMtzlr: flower
SphMtzlr: Telly. Jelly.
SphMtzlr: a lake in Wisconsin
SphMtzlr: Flowers
SphMtzlr: Words to accompany the tunes.