Musgrove and the Pumi:
Surveyors Ridge Lookout, Idaho
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Crossing the Line
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Bridge Over Saint Joe
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Saint Joe River
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Saint Joe River
Musgrove and the Pumi:
End of the Line
Musgrove and the Pumi:
One More Mile
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Welcome to Surveyors Ridge
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Lookout and the Pumi
Musgrove and the Pumi:
View From the Outhouse
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Nearest Spring
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Mooning the Audience
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Surveyors Ridge Lookout
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Snow Peak and Surveyors Lookout
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Northern Exposure
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Mallard Peak Lookout, Idaho
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Ol' 56
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Long Walk to the Outhouse
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Surveyors Latrine
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Morning View
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Eight Legged Table
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Defunct Appliances
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Achilles Heel of Surveyors Lookout
Musgrove and the Pumi:
One Small Step
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Woody Leaves the Room
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Man, That Day Went Fast
Musgrove and the Pumi:
See You in the Morning
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Like There Was No Tomorrow
Musgrove and the Pumi:
A Campfire Breaks Out
Musgrove and the Pumi:
Ride of a Liftime